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Wednesday, 05 October 2016 09:09

1 Million Dollars Raised for Charity!

This year in Alaska, Seeley Internationaland its generous dealers made history. Collectively, since the Braemar Scotch Auction began in 2001, we have raised more than one million dollars for charities.  The infamous Braemar Scotch Auction was held at the Seeley International Gala Dinner on Friday July 12, 2013, while we cruised towards Vancouver Island, Canada, and generosity was in the air! Dealers donated amounts large and small, to go towards the two chosen charities, the Leukaemia Foundation in Australia and Samaritan’s Purse, helping children in need in Alaska.

Frank and Kathy Seeley’s Everglades fund generously doubled the amount raised,bringing the total raised for 2013 to more than $150,000.

The winner of the coveted Braemar Scotch for 2013, with a generous donation of $16,000, was Bill Threadgold and Rhonda Cooling from Air Diffusion Agencies. Thank you!

We thank each and everyone who participated in this year’s Braemar Scotch Auction, and we look forward to reporting back to you next year, on the progress these great charities have been able to make, all thanks to your generous donation.