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Discover the latest promotions and offers from Air Diffusion Agencies below. Who can resist a fantastic deal? 
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Boost your installation and save money with our latest offer! For a limited time, get a FREE Return Air Grille with every purchase of a Samsung ducted unit. The Return Air Grille features fast-action fixing, making it easy to install and allowing you to complete your job more quickly and cost-effectively.

For a limited time get a FREE Drain Valve kit with each purchase of a CPQ evaporative unit. 

Upgrade your game with the Platinum Elite Zone Control System. For a limited time when you purchase a Platinum Elite Zone Control System and componentry* from ADA, we're throwing in the Platinum Elite Gateway at no extra cost!

Monday, 30 September 2024 09:41

TCL Wall Split Bonus Gift Card Offer

The TCL Gift Card Offer for the BreezeIn wall split system is back! Get a $20 gift card with 2.5kW and 3.5kW units, a $30 gift card with 5.1kW and 7.1kW units, and a $50 gift card with 8.0kW units.

Upgrade to an energy-efficient natural gas ducted heating system and benefit from a rebate of up to $750 from AGN until December 31, 2024.