BM7 7 Day 4 Zone Wall Control
Designed to satisfy the needs of installers/ service technicians and end users alike and is an easy retro fit replacement for many brands of Heat pump units typically found in domestic air conditioning applications. The controllers are easy to install and operate, models with & zoning capabilities.
- Ease of Operation and Installation
- Ease of Operation and Installation
- Integral Sensor + Sensor Calibration
- Remote Sensor options + Averaging
- Programmable 7 Day 4 Event Time Clock
- Up to 4 Zones with Sensor Tracking
- Pre-Heat Delay or Pre-Heat Sensor option
- Adjustable 24Hr Countdown Timer
- Remote Start / Stop (Home Automation)
- Auto / Continuous & Ventilation Control
- Auto, Heat only, Cool only Control Modes
- Switching Differentials / Dead band
- Temperature Set Point Range Limits
- 240V or 24V Air Conditioner Control
- Reverse Valve on Heat or Cool
- Add-on Cool